7 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants, to Boost Your Energy Levels

Air purifying indoor plants or the best air purifying indoor plants can improve the quality of the air in your home, creating a more pleasant environment for you and your family. They can reduce pollutants such as pollen, dust, odors, and allergens, which are all major contributors to respiratory and sinus health. The golden rule for choosing the right indoor plant is to choose one that will grow best in your particular room and one that has attractive foliage.

One of the easiest ways to clean the air you breathe indoors is to grow plants, and there are many varieties of indoor plants that can help filter out toxins and pollutants from your indoor air. A few of the most common types of indoor plants include spider plants, houseplants, and cacti. Some of the best air-purifying indoor plants for indoor air are the following:

If you live in an apartment complex or high-rise, chances are you’ve got a small balcony or patio, maybe even a deck. While these outdoor spaces offer a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fresh air and the outdoors, they’re often lacking the greenery that makes a home garden feel like a private retreat. A lack of plants and flowers can make for a stale environment indoors, which is why it’s important to include a healthy mix of air-purifying plants. Here are some of the best choices available.

Here are some air-purifying indoor plants that you can grow at your home :

1. Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants, Golden Photos (Epipremnum aureum)

1. Best air purifying indoor plants, Golden photos (Ephipremnum Pinnatum)
Image source: plantly.io

Golden air purifying plants are growing in popularity in homes and offices as air purifiers thanks to the antioxidant properties of their leaves and the oxygen they release. The air is cleaned from dust, smoke, fumes, and allergens, and the plants are a great focal point and conversation piece for family members.

Some of these air purifying plants include golden bamboo, golden pothos, and golden palm. The air purifying plants look great in small spaces and are ideal for small homes.

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2. Peace Lily

Peace Lily
Image source: pixabay.com

Which Indoor Plants Produce The Most Oxygen?

The Peace Lily, Peace lily has a very high water content. If you put it into a vase with dirt, it can absorb all the humidity. So, if you buy one and put it on the table, it will absorb all the moisture from the room. Then, when you come home, you can open the door and enjoy the fresh air. In addition, if you put it in the bathroom, it will also purify the air. Peace lily is one of best air purifying indoor plants.

3. Gerbera Daisy

3. Gerbera Daisy
Image source: pixabay.com

The Gerbera Daisy is a flower that’s become popular in the last decade or so. What makes it special is that it doesn’t need much attention. It’s a pretty small plant that can grow indoors in just about any space and it produces a lot of flowers.

The Gerbera Daisy is a houseplant which is able to reduce pollutants in the air. When the plant is in full bloom, its sweet scent will reduce the amount of pollen and dust floating in the air, making the environment cleaner. To make sure that the Gerbera Daisy can remove pollutants from the air, you should water the plant regularly. so, garbera is one of best air purifying indoor plants.

4. Areca Palm

4. Best air purifying indoor plants, Areca Palm
Image source: orami.co.id

One of the best air-purifying indoor plants, is one of the things you can do when planting an Areca Palm. This plant will help purify the air inside your house, and it’s very easy to grow. You can simply take cuttings of these plants from a healthy adult plant and place them in water with some air in the bottom. Give them enough light to grow, and they’ll start producing roots in no time. The roots and the leaves will then start giving off oxygen and filtering the air you breathe.

The palm tree is a great air purifier and can use to filter the air around the home. The leaves are able to pull out the bad particles from the air and the roots draw in the good ones. In order for the plant to be efficient, it must have adequate light, proper water, fertilizer, and airflow.

The palm tree is a great air purifier and can be use to filter the air around the home. The leaves are able to pull out the bad particles from the air and the roots draw in the good ones. In order for the plant to be efficient, it must have adequate light, proper water, fertilizer, and airflow.

A new way to breathe in a clean, fresh, and healthy environment without spending time in a big building that is full of harmful pollutants is to use plants such as Areca palm. The Areca palm helps in absorbing the pollutants present in the air through the leaves. The Areca palm can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. It is a great way to save the environment by reducing the amount of pollution that is being produced.

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5. Chrysanthemum

Image source: pixabay.com

Which Indoor Plant Purifies The Air The Most?

Chrysanthemums are know to have many health benefits. It is a perfect indoor plant that can help purify the air in your home, especially if you have asthma, allergies or respiratory problems. The essential oils contained in chrysanthemums are considered natural and non-toxic, so it’s perfect for families with kids and pets. This plant is one of best air purifying indoor plants.

6. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen
Image source: pixabay.com

The Chinese evergreens (Aglaonema) are one of the most common indoor plants, which is also known as one of the best air-purifying indoor plants. The benefits of having a few of these plants in your home include increased oxygen intake, better air quality, and a sense of calm. The leaves of these plants absorb harmful particles from the air through a process called absorption. The roots of the plant also act as an adsorption site for toxins that are found in the air.

While the concept of air-purifying plants seems like a new idea, the idea itself is not new at all. The Chinese evergreen has been around for a while. It has even proven to be effective in filtering out a lot of harmful gases. In fact, this type of plant is used to purify air inside homes in China. This is a great way to bring something new into your home without spending too much money. The benefits are twofold. Not only can the plants help remove toxins from the air, but they also make the air cleaner to begin with.

Chinese Evergreen is a natural air-purifying plant that absorbs toxic gases, such as formaldehyde, from the air. The plant has been around since at least the 1500s, and it was first used by the Chinese to clean air, even in the absence of modern air-cleaning technology. It’s a good plant to put near the door, as it can take in and remove toxins from the air, which are then flushed out with fresh air when the door is opened. Chinese evergreen is one of best air purifying indoor plants.

7. Weeping Fig

7. Best air purifying indoor plants, Weeping fig
Image source: pixabay.com

The last best air purifying indoor plants is Weeping fig trees. It have been proven to filter air, but are they the best plants to clean indoor air? Well, yes and no. In short, they work, but they are better suited to areas that get a lot of outside air. However, if you live in a smaller space, or an apartment, a weeping fig could be the answer. According to the University of California Riverside, the plants can also remove a significant amount of harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from the air. But, keep in mind that a good air purifier is still necessary.

As a tree, the weeping fig is known to help clean the air by drawing in oxygen and then releasing water. As a houseplant, it’s an air purifier. But what about as a plant in a room? Well, there are no studies on this subject. However, we do know that indoor plants can have a beneficial effect on the environment. And in the case of the weeping fig, the roots exude hydrogen peroxide, which is an antimicrobial substance that kills bacteria. A study by the USDA found that a home with a weeping fig had “significantly lower levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bacteria than a home without a plant.”

In conclusion

The best air-purifying indoor plants to grow indoors are indoor Chinese Evergreen, Peace lily, weeping fig, Chrisanthemum, Peace Lily, etc. They absorb toxins and other pollutants from the air through their leaves. Their unique shapes and sizes, including the size of their leaves and the placement of their trunks and branches, allow them to filter air more efficiently. Well, that is the list of the best air purifying indoor plants.