5 Step How to Grow Philodendron El Choco Red No Fail

Philodendron el choco red 

Philodendron el Choco Red is a great choice for growing in a pot because it grows very quickly and doesn’t need as much light as other plants. It also has a very long lifespan and produces beautiful flowers. Philodendron el Choco Red is a climbing, tropical plant with long leaves and waxy, leathery green leaves … Read more

Calathea White Star Care an Easy and Effective Ways

Calathea white star care 

How to Calathea white star care . The Calathea white star plant (Calathea insignis) grows to approximately 1.5 meters (five feet) tall. They grow in clumps of three or four leaves on long stalks. Their leaves are shaped like a clover. The leaves are usually covered with small spines. Read : Banana Tree Fertilizer Recommendation  What … Read more

Calathea Leopardina Care : 6 Simple Guide to Your Houseplant

Calathea leopardina care 

How to do Calathea Leopardina care? Calathea are a group of plants that are known for their long, beautiful leaves. They can grow from one to three feet long. The colors they offer include green, blue, pink, red, yellow and white. Calathea leopardina is a species of flowering plants in the mint family Lamiaceae, commonly … Read more

How to Get the Perfect Ceramic Flower Pots

How to Get the Perfect Ceramic Flower Pots

Most people can easily tell that ceramic is a harder material than clay, and many ceramics are fired at a higher temperature. However, some types of ceramic are just as easy to work with as clay. The most basic distinction between hard and soft ceramics is that hard ceramics are dense and brittle, while soft … Read more