Hydroponic Asparagus : Easy Guide to Start Growing Better

Are you planning to grow hydroponic asparagus? You can grow asparagus not only in the soil but also in the water. Through a hydroponic system, you will get high-quality products as well.

Growing asparagus in the hydroponic system can be challenging. Although it is a temperate-zone crop and inactive during winter, the plant doesn’t need any cold conditions for its life cycle. If the plant gets sufficiently warm, it will produce spears all year-round.

Now let us discuss further how to grow asparagus in the hydroponic system. The following article may be useful for you.

Seeding Method of Hydroponic Asparagus

seeding asparagus
Source : youtube.com / Self Sufficient Me

Asparagus originally comes from the Mediterranean. The ancient Greeks considered it as precious food. It is a member of the lily family.

There are two method selections for you who want to start hydroponic asparagus. You can begin from the seeds or crowns.

You can buy asparagus crowns as planting stock. It consists of a central fleshy crown, including the root system.

Although you can harvest the crowns more quickly, you have to be careful in growing them. These crowns may carry the soil-borne disease as they are produced in the field. So, that can endanger your hydroponic garden.

Fortunately, you can germinate asparagus from the seed. You need plenty of warmth with good light for asparagus. It can give you quick harvesting the first time.

Growing from the seed will require more patients than you plant it from the crowns. You may get a harvest delay for a year.

Generally, it takes 10 to 14 days for the seeds to germinate. With the help of the ideal temperature, you can get the sprout within the expected time.

The plants will produce their first edible spears in 10 to 12 months. Then, you can get their full production after 18 months. Of course, it happens merely if you do well maintaining them.

Nutrient Solution of Hydroponic Asparagus

Growing through a hydroponic system will require the nutrient solution as well as through the conventional method. You have to give a good nutrient to grow your plant.

After the germination process, you can place the young plants into the hydroponic set. So, they can grow big in a larger space. Then, the root system improves.

Make sure that you select a proper medium solution too. By using the appropriate medium solutions, you can have a good quality of plants.

After approximately ten months, you can settle the plants. It is recommended to use a deep grow container with a minimum depth of 1 foot.

You can apply the nutrient solution during the active growing stages of asparagus. You can use a vegetative nutrient with well-balanced composition. It is available in the local plant stores.

To maximize the nutrient solution, maintain the pH level, and EC or electrical conductivity around your hydroponic environment. Its pH level for the mature plant should be around 6.0 to 6.8 to keep the proper acidity.

Meanwhile, the recommended EC levels are around the range of 2.4 to 3.0.

However, the amount will be varied depending on its variety. For better usage, follow the instructions listed on the table.

Temperature and Air Flow

It is advisable to grow at the ideal temperature to get a good plant. A rise or a drop in temperature will give a result on its nutrient absorption.

Hydroponic asparagus will not consume the nutrient well if it is not at its ideal temperature. Yet, it can affect the plant’s happiness too.

In the ideal temperature, young asparagus may survive even without a nutrient solution. Let say during the germination process. Asparagus requires a temperature from 22 to 26 degrees Celsius during its germination cycle.

The seedling will keep growing in the lower temperature even though it may grow slower than regularly. It can maintain itself in cool conditions. Moreover, it is possible to be in a high salinity condition.

After the germination process, the plant should be placed in the hydroponic set. In this development stage, you have to maintain the warm temperature conditions from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius. This warmth can stimulate the growth of the fern and young crown.

Light Management

In the outdoors, asparagus will produce ferns during summer in its normal temperature. The fern helps to build the carbohydrate supplies in the crown.

Yet, it may be different during fall and early winter. The cold temperature will stop the plant from producing its fern. Then, the foliage dies and returns to the crown.

In the spring, the plant will get enough warmth. By having enough light, the crowns can re-activate. Then, it continues to grow a new spear.

The spears will be ready for harvesting after a period of six to eight weeks. Your asparagus will grow their fern again during summer.

That process shows that asparagus requires more light to be able to grow well. The natural light helps to maintain its warmth. So, the plant can have its photosynthesis stages as usual.

It is possible to arrange the artificial light too. Yet, it may consume higher costs due to electricity usage.

Hydroponic Asparagus System

Hydroponic asparagus can be done indoor or outdoor. Before you begin with the hydroponic plan, you should find information as much as you need and learn that well.

Fortunately, you can grow the asparagus in a pot or container. So, it is moveable whether it is indoor or outdoor.

Through planting in a pot, it is easier and simpler to maintain. During summer, you can place the container outside to get enough natural light for growing. In the winter or cold temperature, you should keep it inside to save it from failure production.

If you want to have year-round asparagus production, you must manage the plant differently. You must be able to differentiate harvesting spears and future yields.

The harvesting spears will not grow into a fern. It can threaten the plant’s future production. So, it is better to harvest mature spears.

There should be a balance between the harvested spears and the fern left. The available fern can help to maintain the health of the plant and support the continuous growing process.

Can you grow asparagus in hydroponics?

The brief explanation above shows that asparagus is possible for hydroponic farming. You can plant and harvest asparagus through the hydroponic system as well as your plant in the soil.

By considering some steps and methods, you will have a successful hydroponic garden for your asparagus. Yet, you have to learn it carefully if you decide to have asparagus in the hydroponic garden.

You can get the complete hydroponic set, including the nutrient solution, from a nearby local store. After reading and understanding the instruction, you can start the installation of your hydroponic set.

Can asparagus be grown in a greenhouse?

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to have indoor and outdoor hydroponic asparagus. The plant is suitable for both the growing environment.

If you are planning to have them indoor, you should be able to maintain the warmth of the plant. The proper lighting is recommended to keep the plant warm.

You can install artificial light or set the greenhouse installment to receive natural light. The proper light helps in the process of photosynthesis.

Besides, the greenhouse will help to protect the plant during cold temperatures. It can limit pest disease and increase spears production.

Can you regrow asparagus?

hydroponic asparagus
source : pixabay.com

Through a simple experiment, you can regrow your asparagus from the scraps. You require several simple tools for this step.

It is better to set the stem in a glass filled with water. You must keep the water level under the leaf line. Don’t use a bowl to replace the glass.

You can place the scrap in the shallow water as well. Next, you must cut side down, and the leaf ends up. This method is done to help the fresh greens appear soon.

Then, place the glass in a bright and warm area. Make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight.

After a few days, you will see the roots grow. You can move your plant once the roots grow some inches in length. Consider its strength before you move it into the hydroponic set.

Can you grow asparagus in Oregon?

The weather and temperature in Oregon are also suitable for growing asparagus in the hydroponic system. The summer helps the plant survive and produce a lot during harvesting time.

Moreover, by taking care of the plant well, you can get fresh spears when you harvest it. Besides, you will get attractive spears with good taste as well.

The weather in Oregon can fulfill the necessity of your asparagus growth. In the summer, your asparagus will receive enough light. This sufficient light is essential for photosynthesis.

You can prepare the seed in a warm environment. Make sure to place the seed with proper depth. So, your seedling can germinate during the expected time.

Problem Solving Hydroponic for Asparagus

Asparagus is one of the most well-known vegetables in the world, with an estimated market value of over $2.5 billion annually. It is also one of the easiest vegetables to grow hydroponically. If you want to start growing it now, try this hydroponic guide on how to grow asparagus in your own home.

Here are some problem solving for pest and diseases :

  • Fusarium wilt can infect your asparagus plants. This is a fungal disease that attacks the plant’s roots. Remove and destroy any affected plants, as they won’t be able to recover.
  • Root rot is also a potential problem. When it occurs, the leaves turn black and eventually die. Again, pull the plants out and give them new soil.

Why is my asparagus so skinny?

Spears will be very thin during the first couple of years of growth.
A crop that needs to be harvested should be plowed under after it is no longer yielding a good crop of usable seed.

However, you might notice plants that are ten or more years old start to drop in production, and begin to produce thin spears.


asparagus harvesting
Source : youtube.com / SipBiteGo

Growing asparagus in the hydroponic system can be challenging. Yet, if you can follow the proper growing instruction, you will get a satisfying result in the harvest time.

Asparagus is good for your health. Additionally, well-maintain hydroponic asparagus will give you better spears than in the conventional method.