5 Step How to Grow Philodendron El Choco Red No Fail

Philodendron el Choco Red is a great choice for growing in a pot because it grows very quickly and doesn’t need as much light as other plants. It also has a very long lifespan and produces beautiful flowers.

Philodendron el choco red 
image source : ebay.com

Philodendron el Choco Red is a climbing, tropical plant with long leaves and waxy, leathery green leaves on the stems. The stems, which can grow up to 40 inches tall, may turn a deep red color as they age.

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There are many different varieties of philodendron. Some varieties are highly fragrant, while others produce flowers. Many varieties produce spectacular flowers that last for weeks or months after the plant dies.

Philodendrons El Choco Red are easy to grow and enjoy a sunny spot in full sunlight. They require high humidity and temperatures between 75-85 degrees F. However, they can also be grown in partial shade and can tolerate cooler weather.

El Choco Red isn’t a very common variety, but it certainly is in high demand. And it’s easy to understand why. The plants are relatively small and grow in clusters. Each cluster is made up of hundreds of plants. This makes for a lovely and lush garden accent. They are long-lived plants, and often live more than 100 years. If you are considering a plant for your home, El Choco Red would be a great choice.

When Should Plant for Philodendron El Choco Red

Philodendron el choco red 
image source : ebay.com

This plant will not grow well if it is transplanted because it cannot tolerate cold, but can be grown from seed. Sow indoors in late summer or early autumn (December to February) and plant out around June or July. It prefers light shade, a deep rich soil and water regularly until established.

How to Grow from seed for Philodendron El Choco Red

  1. These are tropical plants that do best in warmer climates. Buy a potting mix that includes peat and sand.
  2. Sow your seeds onto individual blocks of potting mix, about a centimetre deep. When they germinate, water them well.
  3. Your philodendron seedlings will soon be growing vigorously and should look quite happy. The potting mix is usually good enough to keep them damp, but if the soil dries out too much, mist them with water. In the middle of summer, your philodendron will be looking very healthy and should be in full bloom.
  4. After flowering, your philodendron should start to grow new leaves. At this point, pinch the centre of each leaf back so that it forms a V shape. This encourages lateral growth and should stop any flowers turning into fruit.
  5. The next step is to repot. Philodendrons have a high thirst, so it’s important to get your plants into a bigger container. This is a big job, so do it when you can – don’t put them outside during winter, and do it in spring or autumn when you won’t notice that the foliage is falling. You can use a large planter box or even a large plant pot, but remember to add extra peat.

How to Choose The right Containers

  1. As the name suggests, this plant is native to the forests of Central America and has been grown for over 2,000 years in the jungles of Ecuador, Panama, and Guatemala. Its leaves are thin, leathery, and dark green with waxy hairs along their undersides.
  2. The Philodendron has become the most popular houseplant in the world. It comes in many colors and sizes and has gained a reputation for being easy to care for. It can be pruned or shaped to make it look more attractive.
  3. Philodendron leaves are best grown in indirect sunlight and should be watered regularly. If you have a high humidity level in your home, your philodendron will thrive, but if your home has low humidity levels, you will probably notice wilting and slow growth.
  4. You can buy philodendrons as cuttings from nurseries. You will have to provide them with plenty of light and water until they start growing roots.
  5. Philodendron require a very fertile soil so it is best to use topsoil. If you live in a drier climate, you will need to amend your soil by adding some organic matter.
  6. Philodendron el Choco Red should be planted about two to three times deeper than they are tall. For example, plant a 6-foot philodendron into a 10-inch pot.
  7. Philodendron el Choco Red likes temperatures around 60°F during the day and 50°F at night. But if you have a cooler house, you can grow a philodendron in a greenhouse or grow it outdoors in partial shade.

Common Problem

image source : ebay.com

Philodendron has an incredibly high germination rate and most of the issues stem from poor germination rates or improper planting techniques. The key to getting successful germination rates and keeping your plants healthy is to start with healthy, disease-free seed.

The easiest way to grow philodendron seedlings is to buy a starter pack of philodendron from your local garden center. This includes mature seedlings already in their final pot. These plants have been propagated from seed, ensuring you won’t have to worry about poor germination rates.

For beginners, I recommend starting with four pots. If you are using a soil mixture for your philodendron, I recommend using two kinds of potting mix. Mix a half-and-half combination of peat moss and perlite. Use this mixture in all of your potting mixtures.

When you are ready to plant your pots, give them a light watering and put them outside until the soil has dried out slightly. Then, carefully open the pots and gently remove the seedlings. You will need to place the seedlings in a shaded location so they can dry out for several days. Once the seedlings are dry, remove them from the pots and use sharp scissors to snip the top of the seedling at the cotyledon. This will prevent the new seedling from growing any roots, which will allow it to develop a full root system.

Once you have snipped the top of your seedling, use sharp scissors to make sure you get rid of all of the green cotyledon. This is the part of the seedling that is used as a food source for the new seedling. Then, gently remove the green cotyledon and place the seedling in a small pot. Do not bury the green cotyledon or the seedling will rot from lack of water.

If you see any signs of rot or disease in your seedlings, it is best to remove them from your garden and discard them. If you are planning on growing more than one seedling, be sure to separate them by several inches. By separating your seedlings, they will not compete for nutrients and you will be able to keep a closer eye on each seedling.

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When growing philodendron seedlings, it is important to keep them well watered. Once you start noticing that your seedlings are starting to show signs of stress, it is time to start feeding them.


In conclusion, you can use a combination of fertilizers and organic compost tea to encourage more growth and prevent the plants from being attacked by insects and disease. It’s important to add some compost when your plants begin to bloom, as it will promote healthy roots. It’s also important to fertilize your plants regularly to ensure they are thriving and growing at a steady pace.