Growing Hydroponic Basil becomes popular lately. You can grow it easy as you plant it traditionally. This woody herb is loveable in every community.
It has a sweet, peppery, and savory taste. It also smells amazing and can make your food tastier. People from all over the world are already familiar with this herb because of its aromatic flavor.
Through this article, we will share with you more detailed information about how to grow Basil using a hydroponic system. The following are some questions and answers to help you understand it.
Does Basil Grow Well Hydroponically?
Basil goes to the mint family or called Lamiaceae. It is the same as other herbs like thyme, rosemary, oregano, etc. It is suitable for any kind of meal, such as soup, pasta, or meaty dishes.
There are 150 varieties of Basil that you can find. However, it is only a few varieties that are popular and mostly grown. They are sweet basil, Thai sweet basil, Genovese basil, purple basil, spicy basil, lemon basil, etc.
If you compare it to other herbs, it is a popular option for growing hydroponic because you can use it freshly for your meal. Of course, it is better than using dried Basil that can lessen the quality of your food.
There are two ways of growing Basil, by seeding or cutting. In general, it takes a week for Basil to form roots if you grow its stem. Both methods are available in Hydroponic Basil.
Growing in a hydroponic system means you don’t require soil to plant your Basil. It is a soil-free system that can make your plant shinier and has more green leaves. This aromatic herb can hold water and maintain condensation.
Moreover, humid weather conditions for a long time can be an issue for growing this plant. As many demands for this culinary herb, producers are finding ways to boost their growth.
This woody herb is friendly in warm weather. You have to keep the temperature between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. So, you will have a fresh and good quality.
If you want to start to grow from the seed, you can choose the medium. There are several mediums available, like Rockwool blocks, coco coir, perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite. You have to make sure that you sterilize them before you use them.
By germinating Basil seeds, it will require 3 to 10 days. Don’t forget to keep it at a temperature of 21 degrees.
If you want to clone it, you can just cut it and soak it in water until the roots come out. This way is cheaper because you can begin with your basil plant. It is easier and can make you produce more.
Before you grow it in the hydroponic system, you have to know about its characteristics. That includes its disease resistance, the leaf types, its growth rate, the plant habit, and the preferred uses. By considering one of them, you should prepare which one is matched to your needs.
Basil can be planted with a Hydroponic system as long as we pay attention to every detail of it. You can begin by learning its characteristics to choose the right seeds. Moreover, you should apply the right system to make your Basil grow and produce more.
Basil is easy to grow if you already know it well. Thus, you should follow the production advice to make it work.
Related: How to Growing Herbs Indoors Without Sunlight
Choose the Right Variety for Hydroponic Basil
Hydroponic basil is a variety of the plant that can be grown in water. There are many different types, but it’s important to choose one with your specific needs in mind for this type if you want success!
There are many types of basil, but only a few varieties work well for Hydroponic systems. Make sure you choose the right one by considering where your garden will be grown and what type is most suitable to that environment!
When it comes to Hydroponic basil, there are many different varieties. Some of the most popular ones include:
- Aurora Borealis – has purple leaves with white threading on them;
- Thai Dragon- wings reach up towards red color at night time when grown indoors in pots or containers
- Deliciosa Rubra/Red delicious – its name tells all about how tasty they can be! This type falls under ‘hot’ climate requirements because though small like regular Balled Green Onions (500G) , These mini versions pack quite well into smaller spaces such as windowsill
How do You Keep Hydroponic Basil Alive?
Various methods can be used to plant your Basil in hydroponic. After you select the medium, you can continue by preparing the system.
To make your Basil alive, you have to know the ideal condition for Hydroponic Basil. As mentioned earlier, the temperature is the essential thing you should consider. Try to keep it at a temperature between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius because this plant is a warm-weather plant.
Another thing you should consider is the PH range. Since hydroponic is a soil-free method, you have to maintain the PH of the water. Make sure it is in the PH range between 5.8–6.2.
If it is too low or too high, you should stabilize it using a PH stabilizer. To measure it, you can take the PH measurement that is common in the hydroponic system.
Now, let us have a look at the following tips to produce high-quality Basil.
1. Control Humidity
Its leaves have a shape that tends to keep water. It is easy to catch water and hold it inside. Thus, you have to control the condensation.
This method is essential to avoid further problems for your plant. If you put your Basil in the greenhouse, try to keep the humidity between 40% to 60 %.
Besides, good air regulation is crucial too. Make sure it gets enough air as it is a sensitive plant. You can start by giving space from 5 to 6 inches apart from each other.
2. Maintain Light
For lighting, you should have an option on it. You should adjust the lighting base on the needs. Take, for example, during winter it is lower in light.
Basil will grow decently with a minimum of 14 hours of lighting per day. In DLI (Daily Light Integral), it requires a minimum of 12 mol per m2 daily.
This amount can be higher too as it will be good for the plant. Your Basil will be productive in growing in the high light.
This herb doesn’t need intense lighting. If you want to use the growing light, you can use an LED grow light. For EC (electroconductivity), it has to be between 1.0 – 1.4 mS. This number is variable depending on the season. For your information, during summer, your plants need a lower EC than during winter.
3. Diligently Manicure
It is common to have random dying or damaged leaves. The causes may vary and manageable. However, you have to remove those dying leaves.
Once you know about these dying leaves, you should remove them as soon as possible. Those leaves can bring a negative effect on your plant. So, to maintain good productivity, you should browse the dying leaves and pull as many as you find.
Check the plants diligently. Some leaves may stick to each other and can bring damage to them. Meanwhile, some others have fungus on it.
Besides, you may find a leaf that becomes a sponge and drops to the other leaves. In brief, you have to clean the plants well.
If you have a large plant with tons of stems, including leaves, you should cut some of it. You can merely leave the first 6 to 8 inches that have green growth.
This method is recommended as it can lessen the stress of the plant. Your Basil can transport its nutrients and water well.
What hydroponic system is best for basil?

If we discuss Hydroponic Basil, you will find a diverse method for it. By growing your basil in hydroponic, you have to pay much attention to it. This system can bring various effects to your plants.
Researchers do experiments on it and find varying impacts. They do a comparison by applying the DFT (Deep Flow Technique) and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system to 4 weeks of growing plants.
The research shows that the DFT system yielded basils 10% more than the NFT system. Moreover, the plants in the DFT system are 0.5 inches higher than those in the NFT system. However, this height difference doesn’t affect a lot in producing the fresh-cut basils.
You can consider both systems to apply to your hydroponic plant. If you want to compare the production system, you can count on both systems. They can yield hydroponic basils with high-quality crops.
You have to consider specific factors before you select a suitable system. Those factors can be system maintenance and design. Then, you should not consider its effect on basil growth.
You can browse it if you require further information. The DFT system is located on the ground floor. So, it is suitable for you who have a bigger space for gardening.
On the other hand, the NFT system has a waist height feature. It is recommended for you who don’t have wider space in planting your Basil.
The NFT system can be placed in the greenhouse too. Besides, this method is comfortable for working conditions in gardening.
So, don’t be doubtful about choosing both systems. Make sure you decide which one is suited to your needs.
If you think you need further information, you can find more in the reading about the hydroponic system. As this system becomes popular lately, you will have no difficulty in finding it.
Harvest Frequently to Ensure Good Quality of Hydroponic Basil
When growing hydroponic basil, it is important to harvest frequently in order for the plant receive enough sunlight and water. This will ensure good quality produce. It has strong flavor with less pest problems than traditional methods of cultivation like organic gardening oresteading
A tip when cultivating this type foodstuff using grow lights: often remove spent flower heads since they do not contain any seeds but only occupied space which limits growth potential
You can ensure that your hydroponic basil is in perfect health by harvesting it frequently. This will allow you to get more use out of the plant, giving better quality products and increased yields!
How Long does Basil Take to Grow Hydroponically?
Now, it is time to harvest your Basil. After you have waited for some time, you can harvest it.
Basil grows upward as a single-stemmed plant. Some growers consider the bushier means better because you can have more leaves on it. It shows that you are a success with your Hydroponic Basil.
If you have a pruned basil, it looks better because it yields more. Moreover, it is easy to transport nutrients. So, any of your growing methods are successful.
This upward growth is known as apical growth. You can change the basil grows into another way.
Some will trigger it by using the second type of growth. So, this type will move outward rather than transport straight up. You can call this lateral growth.
If you have a young basil plant that is around 5 to 10 inches in height, the buds haven’t been seen yet. You will see no buds on the side of the stem. You call these lateral buds.
The lateral buds are the back-ups. These will merely grow once the main stalk is bad or damaged. The other possibility of these buds can grow by removing the stem.
So, if you want to clip the stem directly above those lateral buds, let say a half-inch or so, you should be able to trigger the bud to grow out. By pruning like this, you can increase your plant production. Moreover, you can control the shape and the branch of the plant.
The plant can take approximately 7 to 10 days in the germination process. Then, you require 3 to 5 more to stabilize your plant.
After that, you should wait until they are mature enough in your hydroponic system. Make sure they get sufficient nutrients in the hydroponic system. Next, in the tenth week, it is time to harvest it.
The taste of Hydroponic Basil is much better than traditional Basil, which you plant with soil. The reason can be varied. However, the most important thing happens due to the nutrients given to your plant.
You can adjust the nutrient based on your need. You can add some liquid fertilizer as well to stimulate the growth. Yet, it can improve the taste and the aromas too.
If it is your first time harvesting, you may notice many pairs of lateral buds found on this plant. You have to cut the plant above the second buds.
You should cut the second “Y” buds. So, you will harvest any leaves above that split. This method happens in most cases.
If you cut the first “Y”, you will make it grow tighter. Then, you will face the issues about moisture leaves while you collect them. Thus, picking the second “Y” is better and safer for your plan.
By moving out the second one, the plant will get enough airflow, including light penetration. Therefore, it is more recommended than any other method of harvesting.
Once you prune it correctly, you can see the improvement of the yield every time it is harvested. It will happen for the first three harvests time, which is estimated around weeks 5, 8, and 11.
Although you have to harvest it, you should take extra care for your Basil too. Some people get into trouble after the first time harvesting. Their plant turns into bad.
Thus, careful treatment is recommended for your plant. Remember to handle your Hydroponic Basil gently to get continuous better production.
Related: Propagating Methods For Growing Oregano and Other Herbs
Hydroponic Basil, Hydroponic basil is a great way to enjoy fresh herbs year-round. It can be grown in containers indoors or outdoors and yields large amounts of flavorful produce for your kitchen table! Hydroponics also allows you to grow plants that require less water than regular gardening methods.
If you’re looking into growing hydroponic food at home. It’s important to choose one with your specific needs in mind for this type if you want success.
Hydroponic Basil is an easy-to-grow herb that yields tasty results and has many benefits. Some of the benefit such as being less susceptible to pests than traditional gardening techniques–plus it’s eco friendly too.
If you’re looking into growing hydroponic herb such as basil. It can complete your food taste at home , Hydroponic Basil is a great way to enjoy fresh herbs year round. It can be grown in containers indoors or outdoors and yields large amounts of flavorful produce for your kitchen table.
Hydroponics also allows you to grow plants that require less water than regular gardening. This methods Hydroponically grown organic foods are healthier. It’s because they don’t contain pesticides or fertilizers used on conventionally farmed crops. Hydronic gardens provide more control over environmental factors like humidity levels which may affect growth conditions